Monday, July 26, 2010

Jacks again - April 3, 2010

Fun day. I got there and set up and was ready to go by 12:00. The iffy conditions had just handed Bacil an extendo so I waited awhile. At 1:30, Dave and Shawn launched and found lift so by 2:00 I was off. It was coming in much more consistently by then so I was able to ridge soar until I found a thermal. Got up and most everything I was finding only went to 800' over, then it would peter out. Eventually I found a few that got me 1,250' over and one that got me to 1,300'. After an hour and a half I followed Chris out to land. Didn't really lose anything heading out, then went through a really nasty layer over the field and finally into massive sink on approach. I checked the flag which was showing SSW, almost right up the valley, so I set up a SSW approach. I got drilled, turned on final way down at the other end of the field and when I got into ground effect I realized the wind over there was pretty much nil, possibly a slight quartering tail. I got ready to run and landed without incident. Kinda bummed becasue I flew the whole time with one of the cameras zoomed in and missed and whole bunch of great shots! Oh well, at least the keel camera worked.

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