I showed around 1:30 and and John D and Ashley were setting up. Conditions were very nice at that point so I began setting up. About a half hour in, the velocity began to increase and the gusts were getting louder. Before I was finished setting up, it was too strong so we relaxed and waited hopefully for an afternoon backdown. Bacil arrived after awhile without a glider, purely to assist us in committing aviation. As we waited Gary S arrived and got set up. It was around 5:00 when it finally began to ramp down. Ashley was first off, timed a good cycle and went straight up followed by John soon after. I was up next and it was still strong so I waited for awhile for a mellow cycle. It came, and I took it, even still getting rocked around a little in the slot. I flew fast out of it and once clear, it was up, up, up! There was lots of lift but the velocity was definitely strong and you had to watch yourself. But the air was actually pretty nice and there was never any trouble penetrating so at 1,500' over I pulled on 3/4 VG and headed away from the ridge out into the valley. I climbed for the first two miles out, getting to 3,100' over launch way out over the valley in smooth lift, never turning once. So I kept heading towards Woodstock and started sinking. I got almost on top of Rt.11 and then turned back towards the ridge. Hit some sink on the way back but when I got within a mile of the ridge, I hit the lift again. I flew a little into it and turned around, got high, and flew back to Woodstock again. Then it was back to the ridge, in lift most of the way. I heard Bacil on the radio say that he had driven down to the main field and I was cold so I decided to land. I set up my approach in the upper left corner like always and started my downwind. Like always, I pulled on the speed and then I ran into strong lift, and then in an instant, I was in down-air, my right wing unloaded, immediately followed by strong lift and the re-loading of the right wing. Serious wire twang and sail POP!!! At the same time my vario is screaming and I'm climbing, so I turn onto base out of the lift, extend it and turn back for another base leg, then turn right onto final. I flared a little early but held it and landed nicely on my feet. Wow! That was freaky! Bacil actually saw the wing unload from the ground! It's a good thing I was flying fast through that. But other than that, it was a nice flight. Gary and Ashley landed shortly after that and John made it down to New Market. Huge thanks to Bacil for coming out just to help advise, wire crew, and drive our happy asses back up. Nice day to be on a mountain.
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