Monday, July 26, 2010

Will Winter Ever End

Nice flight at the Pulpit. February 4, 2010. Ward and I both got there about 10:30 and decided to fly one at a time so we'd each have a wireman on launch. I got set to fly first and launched around 12:00 into a NNW cross from the new pad. Ridge lift was minimal and I maintained down towards Rt. 16 where I got up. I found a few disorganized thermals and got about 800' over, cruised around awhile and then started to sink out. When I got down to a couple hundred over I basically got drilled and headed out to land for a 25 minute flight. Ward came and got me and we headed up so he could get off. Conditions were very nice when we got back up, pretty much NW, a lot of straight in cycles at 8-12mph. Ward had a real nice launch and found lift quickly. He soared long enough for me to take a bunch of pictures and then get down to the LZ to film his landing! Can't ask for much more in February.

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