Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Backlogging - July 7, 2008 - 4th of July Weekend at Hyner View

I considered not going because of the forecast but Hyner definitely makes its own weather. Lesson learned (the easy way). Olivia and I got up there around 4pm on Friday and stopped by the LZ just in time to see a couple pilots launch. We hung around for a few minutes to get an idea of what was going on down there and then we went straight up to launch. I got a nice evening sled ride - my first at Hyner. What a site! The fireworks that evening were very nice under a starry sky which was quite encouraging. However, the downpour that began at 3am and lasted until 8am was not encouraging at all. On top of that the forecast for the day was 5mph from the East. But given the fact that I flew the evening prior and the forecast was the same, we decided to go up to launch after breakfast. Despite the forecast, it was trickling in at 1-4 all day long, many pilots flew, and I got three more flights in - the last one being my first ramp launch. I am so glad I decided to go up there. Awesome people, awesome site. I was only able to stay a little more than 24 hours so I'll definitley be back soon. Thanks Brian for helping me out Friday, Shawn and the rest of the Hyner crew, and of course John M.Here's some video from the weekend:

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