Monday, July 26, 2010

Woodstock - March 24, 2010 (Wednesday)

I almost didn't escape from work yesterday. Finally I managed to get on the road about 1:30 but hit traffic on 66 so I didn't get to launch until 3:15. It was a little light in the slot and I wasn't so sure it was soarable. But Bacil and Gary were nowhere in sight which was encouraging. Then Bacil came cruising back by and went out to land. I was only a few switchbacks down the mountain when Gary flagged me down from the truck he was hitching a ride up in. He suggested we get back on launch and get set up since the wind was lightening up. Setting up a U2 is much faster with 2 people, thanks Gary! I picked the beginning of a good cycle and easily got up over the ridge. Found a few small light thermals and was getting about 1,500' over for awhile. About a half hour in I found the best thermal of my flight, solid smooth 300'/min up to 2,400' over. I didn't get high enough to get into any wave and just played around with a bunch of black vultures, chasing them and thermalling together. Had a good landing in the bridge field and Bacil drove me back up to my car, thanks! Hoping for more good weather this weekend.

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